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The New York Times

  • Misconceptions Made Easy

    This article discusses common misunderstandings and how they shape our perceptions.

  • Love Under the Doomsday Clock

    An exploration of love and relationships set against the backdrop of impending catastrophe.

  • How Do I Loathe Thee?

    An analysis of disdain and its place in literature and personal relationships.

The New Yorker

  • Abundance

    Baker and his family navigate changes on their tomato farm as they face offers to sell their land and family dynamics.

  • A Night in the Garden

    During a prolonged strike, team captain Moss bonds with fellow striker Royster, highlighting their struggles and small moments of connection.

  • Bill Boston

    Hooper spots his high school friend Bill Boston, long thought dead, leading to reflections on their past and Hooper's life.

  • Child in the Leaves

    Eight-year-old Randy Brennan is hit by a car while hiding in leaves, revealing his troubled relationship with his father and the events leading to the accident.

  • Sofa Art

    Fran navigates parenting her son Teddy, who struggles with school, while her husband Stephen manages a career in "sofa art."

The Atlantic Monthly


  • My Livelihood

    This article explores the life of a man who questions the necessity of having a job when he already has a home, a wife, and children to occupy his time.

Grand Street

  • Arcadia

    Sutton and Arcadia work together on a brick mountain, with Arcadia's lively personality and love of life standing out as a contrast to Sutton's more reserved nature.